Jesse Martinez
World History Final Exam Essay #1
A major world health issue is Aids, also known as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Aids is a deadly disease that has been quickly spreading itself all over the world. Millions and millions of people have been affected throughout the world especially in developing countries such as Africa. Many people are contracting through sex, contact with contaminated blood, and mother to child.
Aids is a big problem because it has killed millions of people. Aids slowly weakens the immune system and allows for infections and other rare cancers to attack the human body. Aids just like any other disease does not discriminate, it has killed many children and adults. Every day more and more people are dying from aids. The people that are most at risk in the United States are the blacks and Hispanics they make up 61 percent of the people infected in the United States. The groups of people that are being affected more throughout the whole world are the people living in sub-Saharan Africa. They tend to have the highest risk of contracting and dying from AIDS throughout the world.
There are many things that people are able to do to decrease the risk of AIDS, the problem is that not many people follow the easy to do procedures. The things that can easily be done to prevent aids are practice safe sex (ummm Armando and, always use a latex condom, always ask if your sexual partner has been tested for aids, don’t share needles, spoons, cotton, or eyedroppers, and get tested regularly. Simple things to do, yet so simple and very few follow. Aids is not a joke it is an epidemic that is quickly spreading around the world, so be safe, cause who knows maybe one day you and I may lose a loved one or die from it ourselves. ......hope you guys enjoyed it...lmao...yeah sure w/e well anywayz, the reason I put this is so that you people could read something new and so ok enjoy.